Studies into how colour can impact the psyche show that the shade of your office decor can have a real impact on levels of individual productivity.
Traditionally, office space has embraced light neutral colours like white and grey. These are great used as background or accent colours. In an office with big floor to ceiling windows, neutral colours perfectly complement the natural hues that are coming in from the outside.
But alone whitewashed office decor can be dull and uninspiring. Busy office spaces crave the addition of stimulating colours to energize staff and increase work productivity.
So, how can different colours can affect your mood?
Psychological studies suggest that for the work environment, red is best avoided. Though well known to invoke passion and get mental energy flowing, some sources suggest that in the office it can be overpowering, leading to headaches and even negatively impacting mental competence.
Contrary to this, in an experiment carried out by Aquent during which they re-painted their office walls weekly over a 6-week period, stronger colours red and black came out with the most positive feedback. One staff member commented, “We’re making sales calls, so I think the stronger colours worked best to create a motivating environment.”
But beware, red is also known as an appetite stimulant – no good for those of us who already find the lure of the biscuit tin hard to resist!
Blue shades are widely regarded to reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and slow respiration. It encourages relaxation and promotes intellectual thought, making it the perfect choice for an area of study. In a national survey of over 1,000 office workers, blue actually came out as the preferred hue.
For the best results, avoid dark blue which can be associated with low mood. And be careful with the tone – chilly shades can make a space feel cold and unfriendly, so are best avoided in areas often used to entertain clients.
There’s good news for dieters too, as blue tones are believed to keep hunger at bay.
Yellow communicates happiness and warmth. It’s energizing and uplifting tone exudes positivity and optimism, so it’s a great choice for areas of teamwork and discussion.
Interestingly, babies are more likely to cry for long periods in a yellow room. In large amounts, the colour has been known to create feelings of frustration and anger in people, so best to use sparingly.
Before settling on your office palette, consider what you want from your space. What mood do you want to create and which colours will help achieve this? Whilst adding a hint of red can stimulate mental energy and yellow promotes a sunny disposition, a tranquil blue will keep you mentally focused – and keep you out of the snack cupboard!
We currently have a selection of office suites available within our tranquil, woodland setting here at Ransom Wood. If you are looking to relocate we can provide not only your office but we can also decorate to your taste and offer guidance on colour schemes and design.
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