Our new tenants in Oak House A are two exciting businesses sharing an office.
Firstly, Kuku Apps (www.kukuapps.com), run by Lucy HG. Kuku Apps specialises in education and training apps and boasts the likes of the University of Leicester and Nottingham Trent University amongst its clients.
“This environment seems to be the perfect place to really expand Kuku,” said Lucy when asked why she had chosen Ransom Wood. “On top of that the fantastic grounds really appeal to my outdoor nature and I’m sure lunchtime walks or even bike rides will make me even more productive.”
Joining Lucy is Patrick Smith of Joshua PR (www.joshuapr.com). Joshua PR specialises in creating and delivering marketing communications campaigns for B2B and technology companies.
“We’re a virtual agency, working with freelancers all over the country and even the globe, but it’s great for me to have such a friendly and welcoming office to base myself from,” said Patrick.
As for them sharing an office, Lucy said, “we get on really well and find that by working next to each other we can create additional and often unexpected benefits for both sets of clients.”
To contact Lucy, email her on lucy@kukuapps.com
To speak to Patrick, drop him a line on Patrick.smith@joshuapr.com
Published: 25th April 2024
The business park came together on National Wear Your Pyjamas to Work Day to support NIDAS, a charity that support local families that have been affected by domestic abuse in the Mansfield and Ashfield area.
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Life at Ransom Wood is about little stories that make the place a community – here we look at a few of our stories that make us more than just a business park.
Published: 13th May 2019
Today we caught up with Matt, Luke and Jenna at Roundworks IT and had the chance to take some photos of their new office at Ransom Hall.