In 2011, we were approached by the RSPB with a view to their members being allowed to survey Ransom Wood. We thought this was an excellent opportunity to fully understand the flora and forna of Ransom Wood. The RSPB have many members who are interested in birds but also have expert knowledge of insects and reptiles.
Our friends at the RSPB asked permission to hold a series of moth nights on the Park. The first night produced many interesting moths, which are detailed below:
The Green Carpet moth was the most common moth caught in trap 1 with a total of 21. This moth thrives in woodland and heath-land of which we have both. Its bright green colour soon fades to a yellow colour with age.
The Small Phoenix again enjoys wood land and open spaces and its larvae feed on willow herbs. You can see them during May and July and then again in August and September.
The Brimstone moth feeds on hawthorn and blackthorn, both of which are found at Ransom Wood. During the survey only one of these species was found.
The elephant hawk moth is so called because of its resemblance to the trunk of an elephant whilst still in its caterpillar stage. The adult moth is coloured pink and green and drinks nectar from plant such as honeysuckle. Look out for it from May – July. The larvae feed on rosebay willow herb, a common weed / wild flower found on the Park. This moth was spotted near The Willows on the night of the survey. Only one was found!
Moths not only pollinate flowers but they are vital food for other animals. They are food for spiders, frogs, toads, lizards, shrews, hedgehogs, bats and birds. They have evolved some amazing camouflage in an attempt to avoid being eaten!.
Many moth species are in decline including the luxurious sounding “White Ermine” which was spotted by the RSPB on their moth night.
The population of this moth has decreased by 77% since 1968. It is not clear why moth numbers are decreasing as many of the habitats are on the increase. Perhaps it is a sign that there is an effect due to climate change. I know that many people and companies are trying to reduce their carbon footprint which will help.
We should try to reduce pollution in the atmosphere and reduce the amount of pesticides and herbicides we use in gardening. Here at Ransom Wood we have imported lady bird larvae to the Park in an attempt to use “good” pest control. Another good idea is to plant flowers which give a large quantity of nectar. These could include bluebells, clover, forget-me –not, buddleia and lavender.
Caterpillars also need food to be able to thrive. They eat the leaves of native trees like oak, birch and willow. They also eat weeds like brambles, nettles and dandelions so an area left “wild ” in your garden would be beneficial.
Published: 23rd October 2024
We’ve recently helped to rescue a little hedgehog who was in need of a bit of TLC over the Winter.
Published: 23rd May 2019
There is a special connection at Ransom Wood to Night Jars – learn a bit more about this in our Nightjar article.
Published: 14th January 2013
Say hello to our old man of the woods. Isn’t he great! He was carved for us by Mark Butler who has won several prizes for his work.