From 1902 to 1987 Ransom Wood was a TB hospital and latterly a mental health hospital – As part of the 20 year anniversary at Ransom Wood we have worked with one of our tenants, Full Phat Design to recreate the map from an old drawing. Here you can see all the hospital wards, many of which are no longer here today as they were demolished at a time when there was mining subsidence here. If anyone has any stories about the old hospital please get in touch with us.
Published: 24th May 2019
Life at Ransom Wood is about little stories that make the place a community – here we look at a few of our stories that make us more than just a business park.
Published: 24th May 2019
As part of our 20th anniversary we are writing a history series on all our properties. In this latest article we look at Ransom Hall from 1902 to the late 80s.
Published: 23rd May 2019
There is a special connection at Ransom Wood to Night Jars – learn a bit more about this in our Nightjar article.